BC Library Trustees' Association


Membership in the BCLTA is based on an institutional membership for the library board, which includes general membership privileges for each individual trustee and voting privileges for trustees designated to carry their institutional vote to the AGM.  Trustees on member boards are also eligible to run for the BCLTA Executive, which meets four times per year. 

Institutional membership is available to the board of any public library recognized by BCLTA and any public library system as defined under the BC Library Act.  Annual membership dues are based upon the institution’s annual operating expenditures as recorded in the most recent statistics collected by the Public Library Services Branch.

Associate membership in BCLTA is available to a library systems or person with a deep interest in libraries for an annual fee of $100.  Associate members may speak at Association meetings when recognized by the Chair, but may neither hold office nor vote.  As an associate member, you are entitled to certain basic BCLTA services, such as newsletters, bulletins, assistance with information requests, etc. 

Honourary/life memberships are awarded by the Association to those who have contributed to the development of library service in BC.  Such members may speak at meetings of the Association when recognized by the Chair, but may neither hold office nor vote.

Please contact BCLTA at or (604) 913-1424 if you are interested in membership.

Who are BCLTA members?


As part of a BCLTA member library board you enjoy the following benefits:

  • Organized representation to the provincial government: BCLTA liaises with the Public Library Services Branch, meets annually with the Minister Responsible for Libraries, and connects with other ministers and provincial government staff as necessary throughout the year.
  • The Open Door: BCLTA publishes a biannual newsletter with trustee-focused content, including success stories, news and announcements from around the province.
  • Bulletins: BCLTA distributes email bulletins to the membership on an ongoing basis to keep trustees informed and up-to-date on the public library scene.
  • Trustee Orientation Program: The highly regarded Trustee Orientation Program (TOP) is BCLTA’s flagship training program.  This free, full-day course introduces trustees to the provincial context for public library leadership, including legislation and services, community advocacy, current issues and strategies for success.
  • Board Chair Training: Evolving out of the Trustee Orientation Program, Board Chair Training is focused on improving the leadership skills of current and prospective library board chairs and is held on a cost-recovery basis at the request of member boards.
  • The Effective Board Member: Updated in 2008, BCLTA’s trustee handbook is a comprehensive educational resource for public library trustees in British Columbia.
  • The Board Chair: BCLTA’s latest trustee resource has been adapted from the trustee handbook specifically for board chairs.
  • Conference: The BCLTA conference is held annually in conjunction with the BC Library Association conference, and every fifth year as a stand‐alone event.  It provides an excellent networking and educational opportunity for members. Themed speeches, issues, forums, award ceremonies, annual general meeting and social events are planned for trustees by trustees.
  • bclta.org: Our website is a great resource for trustees. There are links to printed resources and relevant websites, updates on training programs, archives of our newsletters and bulletins and much more. The site is updated regularly, so check it out.
  • Voting rights and eligibility to run for the BCLTA Executive.
  • Representation on the Canadian Library Trustees’ Association Executive and other library associations.
  • Annual representation at the Union of BC Municipalities Convention.
  • Eligibility for BCLTA Awards: BCLTA has three categories of awards to recognize outstanding trustees and other organizations that contribute to our libraries – the Nancy Bennett Award, the Super Trustee Award and the Library Advocate Award.