BC Library Trustees' Association

BC Public Library Infrastructure Study

In 2008, BCLTA requested and received $15,000 in funding from the Public Library Services Branch to conduct an independent Infrastructure Needs Assessment of BC’s public libraries.  The intent was to arrive at an accurate picture of the status and adequacy of public library facilities throughout the province – thus providing public libraries with a planning tool in the preparation of business cases for new facilities and giving local governments an objective assessment of their library buildings and related infrastructure needs.  The Union of BC Municipalities also indicated support for the project and UBCM staff was consulted during the initial phase of the Infrastructure Study, conducted in spring 2009 by independent consultant Daphne Wood.

Thank you to all those libraries that participated in the 2009 Library Infrastructure Survey, upon which this initial report is based.  A survey response rate of close to 90% was achieved, which is in itself a strong indication of the need for this research.  We look forward to your continued participation in the project as it unfolds. 

Below is a link to the initial report (and supporting documents) in what we now see will be a long-term study.  Next steps include:

  • Developing a “made-in-BC” library facilities evaluation tool, which will enable us to more accurately gauge the status of BC’s libraries according to current, BC-specific measures.
  • Gathering documents and resources related to facilities assessment, planning, and building and facilitating BCLTA member contact with those in the library community who have expertise in this area.
  • Providing BCLTA members with information and resources related to the grant application process in order to facilitate access to capital funding for library buildings.

Building the Future: An Infrastructure Study of British Columbia Public Libraries (PDF)

Building the Future: An Infrastructure Study of British Columbia Public Libraries (Word)

Infrastructure Study Actuals – Full Size (Excel)

Infrastructure Study Actuals – Print Size (Excel)

Further information and resources related to the Infrastructure Needs Assessment will be posted here as they become available.