BC Library Trustees' Association


The Effective Board Member Handbook is now available for download »

For a hard copy please contact [email protected] and state the amount required, mailing address. The cost is $8 each and includes postage.

This key resource for library trustees is the accompanying publication for BCLTA’s Trustee Orientation Program.  Developed with the assistance of Dr. Ken Haycock and updated in Feb 2011, the Handbook is a comprehensive reference manual for public library trustees.  Key contents include:

Role and Status of the Board - Summarizes the general powers and duties of library boards with reference to the Library Act.

Public Libraries in BC - Provides some public library history, outlines the distinctions between types of public libraries in BC and describes the main roles of the Public Library Services Branch.

Board Effectiveness – Describes the key characteristics of effective boards, possible board structure and provides some detail on the role of the Chair.  Also includes guidelines for all trustees and a sample code of ethics.

Effective Meetings – Includes the key elements of an effective meeting, such as a Consent Agenda, and highlights the division of responsibilities between the Board and the Director.

Key Board Responsibilities - Outlines the main board responsibilities, from planning through to monitoring and evaluation.

Thank you to the many trustees who were consulted during the compilation of the Handbook, and thank you, as well, to the staff of the Public Library Services Branch for their input and ongoing support of BC's public library trustees.


BCLTA handbook