BC Library Trustees' Association
  BC – Alberta Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement

TILMA Reports

TILMA – Key Implications for BC Libraries, by Ellen Gould – November 2008

Report to BCLTA from the BCLA TILMA Taskforce – January 2009

BCLA TILMA Taskforce Report – BCLA Browser, Vol. 1. No. 2, 2009

TILMA Correspondence

Letter to Public Library Sector re TILMA from Deputy Minister of Education – February 2009

  • Attachment to Letter from Deputy Minister of Education – February 2009


BCLTA and TILMA – Bulletin to BCLTA Members – November 2008

TILMA Update – Bulletin to BCLTA Members – April 2009

TILMA Legal Analysis

TILMA Legal Opinion Letter #1 – TILMA’s Applicability to BC Libraries – March 2009

TILMA Legal Opinion Letter #2 – TILMA: Implications for BC Libraries – March 2009

Online TILMA Resources

Official TILMA Website

BC Ministry of Technology, Trade and Economic Development – TILMA Background/Resources

Union of BC Municipalities – TILMA Background/Resources