BC Library Trustees' Association

Taking the Lead

Taking the Lead is an advanced training program for new, existing and prospective library board chairs, focusing generally on board and meeting effectiveness as well as the unique role and responsibilities of the board chair.  Topics such as Robert’s Rules of Order, SOFI reporting, strategic planning, and CEO evaluation are covered in detail and group discussion/problem solving is encouraged. 

BCLTA’s Taking the Lead (formerly Chairing the Board) program was developed with the assistance of Dr. Ken Haycock, an internationally recognized consultant who has worked extensively with BCLTA.  Where the flagship Trustee Orientation Program is geared toward new trustees and those looking for a refresher in the basics of library history and legislation in BC, as well as the key roles and responsibilities of the library trustee; Taking the Lead takes a deeper look at board governance issues and strategies for success.

Taking the Lead sessions are offered on a cost-recovery basis ($175/person) upon request throughout the province.  To arrange a local session, contact BCLTA at 604-913-1424 or [email protected].


Taking the Lead Handbook is now available for download.

This key resource for library board chairs has been adapted from The Effective Board Member and is the accompanying publication for BCLTA’s Taking the Lead training program.  Developed with the assistance of Dr. Ken Haycock, the Taking the Lead (formerly Board Chair Handbook) is a comprehensive reference manual for current and prospective library board chairs.  Key contents include:

Board Effectiveness - Characteristics of effective boards and the chair’s role in ensuring board success.

Role of the Chair - Primary responsibilities of the board chair as well as characteristics and personal attributes of successful chairs.

Effective Meetings - Keys to leading purposeful, efficient and effective meetings.

Responsibilities of the Board and the Director - Elements of constructive partnerships between boards and directors.

Board Self-Assessment - Tool for chairs to use in gathering feedback from boards.

Thank you to the many trustees who were consulted during the compilation of the Handbook, and thank you, as well, to the staff of the Public Library Services Branch for their input and ongoing support of BC's public library trustees.