BC Library Trustees' Association


BCLTA publishes the Open Door on a biannual basis – typically issuing a Spring and Fall edition.  Content is trustee-focused and includes information and updates on provincial and federal issues; event summaries and announcements; resource reviews and alerts; information on trustee education programs; stories of successes and challenges from member boards; and recognition of outstanding trustee contributions to the public library sector.  Publications are emailed to all member board chairs and liaisons for board distribution.

A call for submissions is sent via electronic bulletin to the membership in the early Spring and Fall, and articles, photos, announcements, etc. can always be emailed to the editor at [email protected].

Please contact BCLTA at [email protected] to discuss Open Door advertising opportunities.

Open Door Download Requirements/Instructions:

  • Requires free acrobat reader to view
  • Some newsletter files are very large, up to 3 MB, and slow to download.
  • Try FlashPaper versions (easy viewing, small file size – and printable)
  • You must allow pop-ups for newsletter viewing
  • Your browser must have a flash viewer installed
  • Bclta.org must be listed as a trusted site in your browser

MEMBERS, PLease contact BCLTA for link to recents newsletters

[email protected]

Fall/Winter 2011
Spring/Summer 2011
Fall/Winter 2010
Spring 2010
Spring/Summer 2009
Fall/Winter 2008
Spring 2008
Fall 2007
Spring 2007
Fall 2006
Open Door Fall 2005
Open Door Spring Summer 2005
Open Door Fall 2004
Spring 2006
Fall 2005
Spring/Summer 2005
Fall 2004
Open Door Spring 2004
Open Door Winter 2003
Open Door Spring 2003
Open Door Winter 2002
Spring 2004
Winter 2003
Spring 2003
Winter 2002
Open Door Spring 2002
Door Winter 2001
Open Door Spring 2001
Open Door Fall 2000
Spring 2002
Winter 2001
Spring 2001
Fall 2000