BC Library Trustees' Association

2009 Summer MLA Receptions

Summer MLA Reception Event Summaries

Important Update on June 26/Summer MLA Receptions - Bulletin to Library Board Chairs

Original Bulletin to Library Board Chairs re June 26 Library Receptions

Library Reception Q&A Sheet

Ideas for Planning Your Reception

Template Telephone Script for Contacting Local MLA

Template Invitation Letter to Local MLA

Template Invitation Letter to Mayor and Council/Chair and Board

Electoral Area Maps [scroll down for links to individual EA maps]

Election Results/Elected MLAs [current as of May 27, 2009]

Press Release for Contacting Local Media

Major Media Summer MLA Reception News Release - June 23, 2009

Background Resources

Fact Sheet on Provincial Library Funding

List of Key Provincially-funded Programs/Services

ALA Advocating in a Tough Economy Toolkit


Open Letter from FVRL Chair Peter Fassbender to Premier Campbell – April 30, 2009

Letter to BCLTA, BCLA and ABCPLD Members re 2009 Election – April 24, 2009

  • Accompanying Fact Sheet for Use During 2009 Provincial Election Campaign

BCLTA Letter to Premier Campbell  on Libraries in Tough Economic Times – December 15, 2008

Response from Premier Campbell – January 12, 2009

Response from Shirley Bond – February 10, 2009

Media Coverage

Job hunters turn to the library - Globe and Mail, June 8, 2009

Libraries lend a hand in Tough Times - The Today Show, June 11

Campbell must halt disastrous cut plans – Dave Obee, Times Colonist, May 26, 2009

Libraries a best bet for stimulus cash – Dave Obee, Times Colonist, April 16, 2009

Use of Libraries in Tough Economic Times – Bibliography, BCLTA, May 2009

Summer MLA Reception Event Summaries

Important Update on June
26/Summer MLA Receptions -
Bulletin to Library Board