BC Library Trustees' Association







Jas Cheema, chair of the Surrey Libraries board, accepts her Super Trustee Award Kirsty Farquharson, Vice-Chair of the West Vancouver Memorial Library board, accepts her Super Trustee award from BCLTA Executive Director Lauren Wolf


President Paul Tutsch presents the 2012 BCLTA
Award for Advocacy to Beth Barlow, retired CEO of
Surrey Libraries

AWARDS April 24, 2010 - Penticton. See the slide show »

Marion Jarvis, Fort St. John Public Library, accepting the Super Trustee Award Natasha Brienen, Houston Public Library trustee and and BCLTA Director, accepting the Super Trustee Award
Arlene Yoshikawa Richmond Public Library and BCLTA Director is recognized for her work as conference coordinator BCLTA formally says goodbye to Errin Morrison, Executive Director
Philip Mantler, Prince George PL, and BCLTA have fun while recognizing the hard work of Andy Ackerman, BCLTA President and Fort St John Trustee

Judy Sentes, City of Penticton councillor, speaks about
Penticton's heritage, arts and culture.

Awards April 17, 2009 - Burnaby

Nancy Bennett Merit Award
Paul Gerrard accepts for John Goudy GVPL
Super Trustee Award
Andy Ackerman, Fort St. John
Super Trustee Award
Shannon Daub, VPL
Super Trustee Award
Judy Chrysler accept for David Warner Terrace Public Library
Super Trustee Award
James Fox North Vancouver North Van City
Super Trustee Award
Grace Byrne (photo courtesy of Gulf Islands Driftwood)
Library Advocate Award
Fort St. John Friends of the Library

Awards April 18, 2008 - Richmond Public Library Brighouse Branch

Nancy Bennett Merit Award
Lawrence Lavender, Creston Public Library
Super Trustee Award
Paul Tutsch, West Vancouver Memorial Library
Super Trustee Award
Don Hamilton, Great Victoria Public Library
Super Trustee Award
Maureen Black, North Vancouver District Public Library
Super Trustee Award (early recognition)
Robert Paulin and Dorothy Fraser present retiring trustees - Larry Kozoris,
Rik Diespecker, and Sue Thompson with certificates of appreciation at the Sechelt Public Library's AGM. Rik Diespecker and Sue Thompson were also presented with the BCLTA Super Trustee Award for their years of exemplary service
Midway Library Advocate recipients, Grace Hart, Kathie Hilton
Super Trustees - Maureen Black, North Vancouver District Public Library, Don Hamilton, Great Victoria Public Library, Paul Tutsch, West Vancouver Memorial Library
Library Advocate Award
Trustee Rob Macrae giving the award
to Darlene Kalawsky, Castlegar Public Library

Awards May 11, 2007 - Kelowna (Presented by Christine Lattey, Awards Chairperson)

CLTA Award of Merit
L to R - Lawrence Lavender (President Elect, CLTA), Sally Gibson, Linda Cook (President, CLA)
Nancy Bennett Merit Award
L to R - Christine Lattey, BCLTA Director and Sharon Freeman
Super Trustee Award
Tom Shorthouse, Port Moody Public Library and Christine Lattey,
Super Trustee Award
Alan Newberry, Surrey Public Library and Christine Lattey, BCLTA Awards Committee
Super Trustee Award
Jim Powell (L) receiving his award from David Screech, Councillor for View Royal at the View Royal Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on May 12, 2007.
Library Advocate Award
Ken Haun was duly thrilled and surprised to receive BCLTA's distinguised Library Advocacy Award.  On his left is Judith Halland, also a Library Trustee, and Virginia Charron, Library Director of the Kitimat Public Library

Loring Bohach, President of Friends of Vancouver Public Library

Awards April 21, 2006 - Burnaby Art Gallery (presented by President Lawrence Lavender)

Nancy Bennett Merit Award
Chetwynd Public Library Board

Super Trustee Award
Fraser Valley Regional Library Board
Super Trustee Award
Greater Victoria Library Board
Super Trustee Award
BETH McLEOD (Centre)
Nakusp Public Library

Super Trustee Award
Surrey Public Library Board

Super Trustee

North Vancouver District Library Board
Library Advocate Award
District of North Vancouver
Library Advocate Award
DON OHS (left)
Cranbrook Friends of the Library

Library Advocate Award
District of North Vancouver

2005 Awards presented by President Sally Gibson, Burnaby April 22

Super Trustee Award
David Sherwood
Prince George Library Association
Super Trustee Award
Jack MacNeill
Kitimat Public Library
Super Trustee Award
Betty McWhinnie
Whistler Public Library
Library Advocate Award
Garry Foxall
Sechelt Public Library
Library Advocate Award
Friends of Trail Public Library
Trail and District Public Library

Awards June 19, 2004 - Victoria

BARRY ANSELMO Fernie Public Library Association receives the Super Trustee award from BCLTA President, Sally Gibson MARIANN FIELD-HILL Hudson's Hope Public Library Associationreceives the Super Trustee award from BCLTA President, Sally Gibson Super Trustee award
Shawn Cardinall Gibsons & District Public Library Association

Library Advocate Award
Ted Schmidt, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Katherine Anderson, Cheif Librarian, Smithers Public Library, Lorraine Doiron, Chairperson, Friends of Smithers Public Library
Library Advocate Award
Katherine Anderson receives the Smithers Friends of the Library award from BCLTA President, Sally Gibson
CLTA Merit Award to Isabelle Butters for Distinguished Service as a Public Library Trustee presented by Ernest Neumann (CLTA President) and Margaret Maclean (CLTA Awards Committee Chair)

Awards 2003 - Harrison

Awards 2002 - Nelson


Linda Florence giving Valerie McKeen, Acting Director of the Powell River District Public Library a copy of her BCLTA Super Trustee 2002 plaque


Louise Levy -Vanderhoof Public Library

Awards 2000 - Kelowna

Corisande Percival-Smith at right accepting the Nancy Bennet Merit Award from Ernest Neumann, Presidentand Kay Bremner, Awards Director in Kelowna, BC



2012 / 2010

2009 / 2008 / 2007

2006 / 2005 / 2004

2003 / 2002 / 2000